Friday, October 12, 2012

Anglo-Saxon Boast

 I am Alexandra, dweller of the suburbs.
Daughter of Tracey, educator of small humans,
And Joseph, protector of lands.
Sister of Merrick, beater of music-cylinder
I hail from the land of potatoes and the land of haggis.
Player of wind instruments, player of future-lute
Painter of things, reader of books.
I conquer all music through my shiny sound-makers
Paper flies to me in my presence,
Knowing I will beautify it
with my pencil and paintbrush.
I have been inducted into the high honor music gathering!
I have achieved academic accomplishments.
Words have dashed out of books and into my brain-bucket.
People laugh when I bear words,
Because of the plethora of humor in me!
The bards shall sing of me for centuries!
For I am the clipper of hedges,
The doer of homework,
And the picker-upper of doggie poop!